Monday, September 12, 2011


Jesus Stopped…
In the gospel of Mark chapter 10 is recorded the time when Jesus and a large crowd were leaving Jericho and thru the commotion of the large crowd Jesus somehow dialed in on one voice, the voice of Bartimaeus and the Bible says that Jesus Stopped.
Most of the miracles that Jesus did happened only after he stopped what he was doing or where he was going and was willing to be inconvenience by someone and interrupted by someone.  If you will make the commitment to stop throughout your day and allow yourself to become aware of others around you and actually notice them and become engaged with them, then you will begin to see the miracles and works of Jesus flow thru you.
Paul said in Eph. 2:10 that the reason you were created by God is that you would do good works in the name of Jesus; that God planned to create you that you would do good works of service and deeds of kindness on your Journey of life and that thru your actions God would be glorified.
Decide right now, that each day will start with a fresh commitment to stop; to be interrupted; to be inconvenienced, so that you might add value to someone’s life and that God would use you to express His love to another human being.
Your small act of kindness could be someone else’s miracle.
...... a pastor's heart

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Your Faith IS your Victory!

This is the victory that overcomes the world….even our faith!  1 John 5:4. 
Last week we talked about how we grow our faith and now we must release our faith. After you begin to grow your faith the next step is to learn to release your faith. Faith that comes from the Bible is resident in your heart and the way to release the power of your faith is through your words…your confession (Rom. 10:9-10).
Jesus said that it is from the abundance of our heart that the mouth speaks (Matt. 12:34).  Believing God’s promise towards you regarding your situation is the initial step but then you must release the power of your faith and that power is released by your words.  When you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth you will apprehend the promises of God for your situation.
Jesus said that if you will speak to your situation and not doubt but believe in your heart that what you say will happen then you will have whatever you say (Mark 11:23) and according to the previous verse, vs. 22, this is the kind of faith that God has.  It is recorded in Romans 4:17 that God calls (his words) those things that be not as though they were.  He calls into existence, things which do not exist, into this time space world; and that is how Jesus told us to release our faith.
Declare, announce and verbally pronounce your faith.  Declare God’s promises into your situation and you will release the power of your faith to change your life.
Proverbs 18:21 declares that our words have the power of life or death.  When we simply talk about our problem to ourselves and others all you are doing is defeating yourself and giving your problem power over you and releasing death into your life.  When you choose to declare the promises of God into your life then you are releasing the Life of God and the power of your faith into your situation to bring about the desired change that all of Heaven desires for you.
God takes pleasure in you when you walk by faith as He has said, “the just shall live by faith”.  Next week we will discuss the power of acting on your faith.
Your victory awaits you!                                                  a pastor’s heart, pastor rich

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Your Victory is at Hand

This is the victory that overcomes the world….even our faith!  1 John 5:4.
Faith is a fancy word that simply means your belief.  Your faith is what you believe.  Your victory and success in life lies in what you believe.
God has done His part… He has already given you a measure of Faith (Rom 12:3).  Now you have got to do your part. 
“What is my part?” you might ask.  Your part is to GROW your faith, RELEASE your faith and ACT on your faith.
You grow your faith by hearing, learning and thinking upon the Word of God.  The Bible is God’s Word to you; His promise to you and God keeps His promises.  Faith grows by hearing, reading, memorizing and thinking upon Gods Word (Rom. 10:17). Hebrews 6:12 tells us that the saints that have gone on before us apprehended or received the promises of God by faith and patience.  So, whatever situation you are facing; whatever need you have, you can find scriptures in the Bible that speaks directly to your situation.  Then memorize and meditate on that promise and this will grow your faith, your belief, in God’s power and willingness to make a difference in your life.
The Bible speaks of many different levels of Faith.  There is little faith, small faith, weak faith, strong faith, and great faith.   God starts us all out on an equal level giving each of us a “Measure of Faith” and then our part is to grow our faith.  Hebrews 11:6 says that “Faith pleases God” which means that God is well pleased when we grow our faith, speak our faith and live by our faith.
You begin to work on growing your faith right now and then next week we will discuss on how to release your faith.
Your victory awaits you.
a pastor’s heart, pastor rich

Friday, January 28, 2011

Do unto others?

Whatever happened to “do unto others the way you want them to do unto you”?  
As I look around it seems like our world has evolved into being very self-focused.  It seems like there is an underlying way of thinking like, “what’s in it for me” or  “how will I get my way” and “this is the way I want to do it” and “what am I going to get out of this” and “how will this affect me”.
Instead of giving we are taking.  Instead of serving others first we are expecting others to serve us first.  I don’t know if it is a matter that we are afraid of being left out and so it is the survival of the fittest; every person for themselves.  Or, maybe we actually have swallowed the belief that if I don’t look out for myself then who will?  (Forgetting that God wants to be in that equation).
It’s like we have become a community that behaves like a bucket of crabs.  When crabs are caught they get placed alive in a bucket and just when one crab begins to get a hold on life and is just about to climb out of the bucket then another crab reaches up and grabs that one that is about to escape the bucket and pulls it back down to the bottom all in the effort of trying to save itself by using someone else as a stepping stone.  The result is that no one escapes the bucket and experiences life to the fullest.
Or, maybe somewhere along the way we have held on to an idea that the resources and good things in life are like a pie that is split up into a whole bunch of little slices.  Then everyone is out for themselves to get as much of the pie as possible before someone else gets my piece and the pie is all gone.  All the while we completely misunderstand the way God has set up life.  God designed from the beginning that He would be the ultimate unending source of life, provisions, prosperity and that everything we need in life would come from Him.  God has not set up His resources as a pie but rather as a river that never runs out.  With that in mind, you would begin to see that as a child of God there is ample resources of life that flow from God to you and that there is plenty to go around for everyone.  Therefore, we are not found to be in competition with others but all we need to do is come to the river where there is plenty of provision for all.
Jesus, trying to help us get into a position in life where we can live a blessed life as we draw from God’s rivers of provision.  Jesus taught us that “If you want to be first then choose to be last” and “if you want to be great then be a servant to others” and then He capped it off by teaching us that “it is more blessed to give than it is to receive”. 
When you realize that God is the provider of ALL your life with your best interest at heart and that God will not withhold any good thing from you.  Then you can begin to see yourself as well provided for by a Heavenly Father who loves you so much, even to the point of sacrificing His own Son for your sake.  
Then your focus is no longer on yourself but on God and others.  That is when you will experience the peace and prosperity of life as you live to serve others rather than yourself and as a result you position yourself next to the river of God’s provision.   ……. a pastor’s heart.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Joy in the Journey

There is a “Joy in the Journey”…
Every day is filled with a plethora of trials, challenges, struggles and storms.  Every now and then we have one of those rare days that was actually quiet and smooth.  If you are not careful life has a way of sucking right out of you true happiness and joy. 
No matter what your journey holds God has provided a way for you to have an unending source of strength for your day and your journey…..Joy.  The joy and happiness that comes from God is the stuff that determines the outcome of your days.   
The Bible says, if you want joy you can “clap for it” or “dance for it” or “sing for it”.   Jesus gave us a clue as to how we can regularly tap into this unending resource of joy and happiness.  What is it?  Remind yourself that God is in control; that the battles in life belong to the Lord; and that God has already provided us with everything we need for life and happiness.   There is a fullness of Joy that is found in God’s presence.  When you worship and praise God you enter into a river of joy that overflows its banks and surpasses all your knowledge and circumstances.

Helen Keller once said, "A happy life consists not in the absence, but in the mastery of hardships."
Smooth sailing!?    What is that?  Have you ever been sailing when the water is smooth?  I have and it is the most boring mundane experience ever.  Sailboats are made to glide thru the currents of the sea and waves as they are powered by the force of the wind.      And so are you.  You have been designed by God to have Joy in the Journey which is not a result of a storm free day.  But on the contrary, the very opposite is true.  Joy is not a result of your “smooth sailing” day but is the very stuff that empowers you to face your day.  Joy is not the absence of tough times but rather the result of you to face into the wind so that it will empower you to drive thru the currents and waves of life.
You only get one shot at this thing called life; there is no second chance at life.  So, make your life count….Make it the best you can.  Walk with Jesus and Live-Life-to-the-fullest.  Make each day count.  Live without regrets and plug into the source of joy and happiness and face each day with the winds of life empowering you to win in life. ….a pastor’s heart.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

First of Many

 You know, through-out the week I often have experiences and thoughts that come to me and as I reflect upon them I find myself thinking how they can really be of benefit to you while walking in your world.
My hope for this blog is not just to provide another something for you to read when you're bored or its another one of those cold rainy wintery days with nothing to do or to add another duty for you to check off on your to-do list.

Instead, I really hope that this blog will inspire you to Live-Life-to-the-fullest; that you will  again be renewed in the Spirit of Faith; that you will find encouragement and strength for you life; that you will see yourself afresh as the Giant Slayer, Devil Stomp'in, Life Giving Child of God that you are.

I hope you will laugh with me... and that you will cry with me.  I hope that your life will be enriched with a special depth of God's amazing Love and Grace.  And most of all, I hope that you will fall in love with Jesus and His Church all over again.

I look forward to meeting you here and sharing life together from "A pastor's Heart."