Wednesday, July 24, 2013

My Personal Confession

I am a new creation in Christ. The old sinful nature no longer controls me! I desire to serve God, forgive those that wrong me and walk in the love of God. I only speak good things about others. I do not gossip or spread bad information. My mouth is full of blessing instead of cursing.

I am more than a conqueror. There is no problem I cannot overcome!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! I can accomplish anything I set my mind to with the help of my heavenly Father.

I am protected from all harm because I dwell under God’s shadow and He gives His angels charge over me to protect me. Because of this I have no fear!!
God accepts me because of the shed blood of Jesus.

I am healed by the stripes of Jesus. No sickness, disease, physical abnormality, physical disability or pain can remain in my physical bodies because Jesus has already paid for us to be free from these things.

I have the mind of Christ. God gives me the wisdom to know how to deal with any situation and win! My mind is also free from evil, or ungodly thoughts. I think on that which is altogether good and lovely

Enemies are not a problem for me because the Lord gives me peace with them or causes their weapons against me to not prosper!

I am blessed and will live a long life because I respect and honor my parents.
I have no cares because I cast them on the Lord and he takes care of me in every situation.

I am walking in God’s will for my life and have his supernatural ability to help me accomplish the tasks he puts before me.

I give into God’s kingdom so He gives back to me. God is working behind the scenes to set me up for financial success.

I have favor with others so that things go well with me.

I have my needs met and abundance left over to enjoy the good things of this life!
I am debt free because God has promised that I shall lend unto many and not borrow. I command debt to go in Jesus name.

My future is bright because God is on my side!
All of these things are mine because Jesus has provided me all things richly to enjoy.